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Omelette of eight terms

You will find many people whose days have not started well without an egg if you look around. Imagine closing your eyes. He woke up in the morning and walked to the breakfast table hungry and saw a hot smoky omelette. The omelette contains greens, leaves, tomatoes, butter and cheese! I understand how you feel. Egg omelette (Straight Bengali Dimbhaja) is one of the most popular breakfasts in the world. Let's get to know the omelette from different parts of the world.

Spanish Omelet

01. Spanish omelette is the national dish of the Spanish. It is mainly made with a few layers of eggs and potatoes. In the local language, it is called 'Tartila de Patatas,' 'Tartila de Papas,' or 'Tartila Espa ola.' According to food experts, it also contains salt, pepper, onion, capsicum, various sauces and many more. The combination of these foods is called an ideal breakfast in the morning.

Thai Omelette

02. Thai omelette is a lot like a local egg dish. It is eaten with hot rice. Many times this omelette is inserted into the stomach as fried rice puree. In many cases, there is a lot of meat inside the egg fryer. This Thai omelette is similar to our Moghlai Parota.

Japanese Omelette

03. The Japanese omelette is called 'Tamagoyaki.' Its shape is slightly different. The omelette is rolled into a circle and then cut. It takes eggs, sugar, water, rice, vinegar and many more to make this omelette. So it is best to eat even if it looks a little 'like.'

Indian Omelette

04. Indian omelette looks a lot like pizza. It is mixed with various vegetables, even pasta. Pieces of cooked meat can also be left out. It is made by covering it with a bit of slow heat.

Greek Omelette

05. If you try a Greek omelette for the first time, you will think it is pasta; And with it, there are fried vegetables in the pan. In Greece, it is eaten not only for breakfast but also for lunch or dinner. There is a mixture of eggs, vegetables, strawberries, tomatoes, sauces. It is eaten with bread.

French Omelette

06. The French omelette looks a lot like our patisserie. It is cooked with butter, onion, tomato, various herbs, and more cheese.

Persian Omelette

07. When you see Persian omelette, your mind will be filled. It is given more tomatoes, garlic and turmeric to bring color.

Mexican Omelette

08. If you see a Mexican omelette, you will feel like jumping. In it, they use a local pepper as a vegetable. There are also black beans and avocados.

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