Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 Warzone Update Out Now, See What’s New!
Activision's Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 is out now, and it brings some massive changes to the online multiplayer mode. Players can check out a list of new features, including the new War Mode mode.
War Mode is a competitive mode where players are tasked with taking out waves of AI-controlled enemies in 60 seconds. While players can receive supplies during the competition, they cannot use them to replenish their health. Weapons and equipment are scattered around the map, so players can swap them around at any time to create new strategies.
The mode is available in both the single-player campaign and the multiplayer mode. If a player is unsuccessful in the competition, they'll get a "Dummy Package" for their character. In this case, it'll just be a dummy that players can throw at enemies to distract them. If they get killed, players will be able to respawn if they have at least 25 health, but a Dummy will not respawn.
The War Mode also includes a separate ranking and unlock system. You'll be able to unlock weapons and equipment by completing challenges within the War Mode, but they'll be broken into three tiers.
There are also new "semi-open" lobbies in the game. These allow players to pick a deck of cards to use. They're able to search for specific cards based on the cards they already have in their possession, but if a player clicks on a player's card, they'll automatically match up. The first player to get the kill is rewarded.
Finally, Modern Warfare 2019 comes with the new Equipment Manager that allows players to craft personalized loadouts and load-outs for each class in the game. This will let players easily set up quick loadouts that they can immediately use in multiplayer.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019 is now available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. You can read our full review of the game here, and you can check out our complete coverage of the multiplayer beta here.
Activision's newest Call of Duty game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019, is available now.
The game features 20 maps, a total of 40 new multiplayer characters, and a new War Mode. In War Mode, the team that manages to take a series of flags before the enemy team does will be the winner.
During the beta, there were six different modes available. The campaign was available to play. This includes a new campaign with three levels. You can play through with familiar characters from the past and with different characters from the future. A teaser video featuring three characters who are making a return.
The winner's score is kept at the start of each level, so there will be a lot of strategy and replayability to this mode.
Single-Player allows players to play through missions from three of the characters. This included a new story with two chapters called Mission: Ragnarok, where players must hunt down eight Infinity Stones to
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